Technical Comparison
MedWand’s sensors individually and collectively meet or exceed the performance of other best in class medical devices.
Digital Stethoscope
MedWand’s Digital Stethoscope meets or exceeds the performance of many major competitors!
The graph below is a full-sweep frequency response between zero and 1000 Hz for MedWand (orange plot) vs. Eko, Littman, and Thinklabs, operating in the Bell mode as measured by Bongiovi Medical.
This shows the superior sensitivity across the frequencies critical to heart auscultation.
Publication FDA 510(k) Premarket Notification Number- K212975
Digital Camera
MedWand’s integrated camera captures ultra-high-definition, color images critical for telehealth applications.
Our custom design provides superior true-to-life image quality in a compact form factor with attachments for ear, skin, and throat. Adaptive and fine-control focus as well as adjustable LED illumination provide clinical-grade visualization of anatomy at the click of a button.
This shows the clarity in resolution and color temperature critical to photo image analysis.
MedWand’s thermometer uses a high-precision infrared sensor to enable accurate and repeatable temperature measurements without contact.
Rapid sampling coupled with predictive algorithms provide temperature readings in seconds. Performance tested on a cohort of febrile and non-febrile patients, meeting or exceeding leading retail and clinical grade thermometers.
The graph below demonstrates MedWand’s IR Thermometer’s laboratory accuracy of +/- 0.5°F (+/- 0.3°C) compared to Exergen, an FDA cleared predicate device.
Publication FDA 510(k) Premarket Notification Number- K212975
MedWand’s ECG sensor captures electrocardiogram waveforms with clinical-grade accuracy.
Our enhanced signal processing algorithm filters noise while providing a steady, easy-to-interpret tracing useful for simple heart monitoring and detecting arrhythmias. Performance tested across a diverse population study proving clinical accuracy and industry-standard results.
Source MedWand VirtualCare App, Examination Result
Pulse Oximeter
MedWand’s reflectance-based pulse oximetry sensor obtains pulse rate and blood oxygen saturation with the tip of a finger.
Next-generation optics and signal processing obtain accurate measurements in a compact, easy-to-use form factor. Clinical studies validated performance against a lab controlled co-oximeter down to 70% blood oxygen saturation, meeting FDA standards for pulse oximeter accuracy and performance.
Publication FDA 510(k) Premarket Notification Number- K212975
Hypoxia Research Laboratory Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care University of California, San Francisco